
I find it very interesting how nature manages to gradually recolonise degraded land. It usually happens in a succession of different types of plants that grow spontaneously one after the other: first comes the grass, then some bushes and shrubs, and then finally some trees. Each type of plant gives life to the following one by nurturing the right habitat for it. This succession peaks when trees reach maturity.

This sculpture tries to represent this process. The little sticks on the outskirts of the object represent the grass, then the slightly taller ones towards the inside represent the bushes and finally, in the middle, is where the forest will grow - the climax of fertility.

This sculpture is made out a single oak branch that I felled. It was then snapped in two and then reassembled together using joinery work. The wooden rods were also made from the same branch.

Oak timber

38 x 24 x 15 cm

