This is a representation of nature’s urge to mix, merge, and transform everything in order to evolve.
The wooden plate is carved to illustrate a convergence from all four corners toward a central point, like a sheet of paper if you dropped a weight in the middle. At the center, three different species of beetles are stacked along a cone. When viewed head-on, these beetles seem to blend together, creating a new species: a chimera!
Nature constantly mixes elements and living beings together to renew itself and evolve. I chose to illustrate this process with insects because, out of all living beings on our planet, they are probably the ones that we value the least. And yet, just like insects, we too are a blend of Neanderthals, Homo sapiens, and Denisovans, and within us, we have merged with countless microorganisms. Animals, plants, fungi—all do the same.
We are all part of the same great pan-species orgy
Utile timber, oak timber, dyes, beatles, copper
30 x 20 x 10 cm